Drug Intervention in College Station, TX

Conducting a drug intervention in College Station can provide the motivation for a person struggling with addiction to seek professional rehab in a drug and alcohol treatment center.

Far too many people caught in the grip of addiction deny the extent of their problem, believing they still have their drug use or alcohol consumption under control. The nature of addiction means they also don't realize the serious affect their behavior has on the people around them.

For these reasons, an addicted person won't recognize the need to seek addiction treatment in College Station. In order to help the affected person understand the importance of accepting help for their substance abuse problem, it may be necessary to hold a drug intervention in College Station.

What Is An Intervention?

An intervention for addiction is a non-confrontational meeting between family members and close friends with a person struggling with a substance abuse problem. The objective of a drug intervention in College Station is to encourage the addicted person to accept the need to change negative behaviors and realize how their behavior is affecting those around them.

By the end of the meeting, the goal is to motivate the addicted loved one to enter into professional treatment in a drug and alcohol treatment center.

How to Stage An Intervention

Most people assume that holding an intervention simply means getting the addicted person into a room with some family members and demanding they seek treatment. In reality, there are several stages of planning required before the actual meeting takes place.

Planning stage: During the planning stage it's important to determine exactly who will be present at the meeting and what format the intervention will take. Ask for help from a professional interventionist or a drug and alcohol counselor to assist with the planning process and ensure everything is conducted the right way.

Gather information: The objective is to encourage the person to enter into our inpatient rehab in College Station, so it's a good idea to already have details of good treatment facilities ready to go.

Decide on consequences: Everyone present at the meeting needs to decide on realistic consequences if the person doesn't accept the need for treatment. For example, parents may choose to stop enabling the addictive behavior or stop providing financial support.

Prepare notes: Every person who will be present at the drug intervention should have clear notes on what they will say during the meeting. Everyone should also agree to stick only to the planned notes and not be tempted to enter into emotional outbursts or accusations or arguments.

Choose the intervention team: There may be some people who don't need to be involved in the meeting, no matter how much they love the affected person. Anyone who is likely to become confrontational or overly emotional during the process is at risk of doing more harm than good during the intervention.

Who Should Be Involved In An Intervention?

Most interventions include close family members, loved ones and friends. However, you may also want to include key work colleagues, members of the church, or other trusted people within the affected person's life.

It's also important to include a drug or alcohol counselor or other addiction specialist, such as an interventionist. A person who is already familiar with holding a drug intervention in College Park can help to keep the meeting on track and improve the likelihood of the affected person accepting drug and alcohol rehab treatment.

An interventionist can also discuss ways to reduce the risk of things going wrong. Some people may feel confronted during an intervention and become angry or aggressive. Others may feel ashamed that their loved ones have noticed the extent of their problem and withdraw into depression or even into worse levels of substance abuse.

Following Up after An Intervention

Even if the person does agree to enter into therapy at a drug and alcohol treatment center, the family's involvement in the intervention doesn't stop there. Rather, each family member plays an integral role in the addicted person's recovery process.

Showing support and encouragement for the recovering person's progress can help them realize that family and friends are still important sources of support and strength. Taking time to understand the nature of addiction as a chronic disease also makes it easier for family members to understand the best ways to help the recovering person stay clean and sober, even after leaving rehab. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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